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Placebo Effect: Shattered Souls (CD review)

| Marjolein Laenen
Genre: dark electro Label: none (self-released) Rating: 9/10 26 years. That is how long we had to wait for new work from Placebo Effect, the leg...

Amorphous: Moth Metaphor (CD review)

| Marjolein Laenen
Genre: dark electro Label: Razgrom Music Rating: 8,5/10 After almost 3 months without any "offline" social music interaction, you would almost f...

Laibach: When they banned Laibach, we said 'great, let's move further'!

| Xavier Kruth
Laibach recently released an extended box: ‘Laibach Revisited’. It is a reissue of their anonymous first album of 1985, augmented with new recordi...

Jihad: Retrospekt (CD review)

| Marjolein Laenen
Genre: dark electro Label: non (self-released) Rating: 8,5/10   In late 2015, I reviewed the live album 'Live In Bratislava 28.02.2015 -...

Exponentia / Zauber / Résonance magnétique: Je n'ai pas plaisir à sortir à l'extérieur, dans le monde dit ‘réel’.

| Xavier Kruth
Ludovic Dhenry est quelqu’un de très occupé. Il vient de sortir le cinquième disque de son projet néoclassique Exponentia. Le premier en quatre ...

Laibach: Laibach Revisited

| Xavier Kruth
It is finally here. The box that I already ordered in 2018 took almost two years to arrive. It was also pricey - 150 euros - so I'm glad I can hold...

Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio: It's necessary to have events such as Porta Nigra!

| Dimi Brands
With Let's Play (Two Girls & A Goat) Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio delivered again a real masterpiece. Singer and mastermind Tomas Petterson even de...

Syrenomelia: The drunk rural constable at the local pub.

| Dimi Brands
Recently we got acquainted with Syrenomelia, the project of the Brussels-based Wim Lankriet, via the single A Rose Shattered. Since promoting local...

Object: Borderlands (CD review)

| Marjolein Laenen
Genre: Dark Electro Label: none (self-released) Rating: 8,5/10 2019 has been a good year for the fans of old-school electro. A few months ago, I...

Stalingrad Valkyrie

"The old world will be collapsing pretty soon."
| Dimi Brands
Many will agree: every opportunity is a good one to have a chat with Elena Alice Fossi. Not so long ago we've talked about the resurrection of...

Fïx8:Sëd8: Warning Signs (CD review)

| Marjolein Laenen
Genre: Dark Electro Label: Dependent Rating: 8/10 On the Amphi Festival 2019 poster, a special name is featured. On the last line, in small lett...

Amnistia: Black Halo

| Marjolein Laenen
Anyone who attended BIMFest last year could get acquainted with Amnistia. For me, it was not the first acquaintance, however, it was the first time...

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