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"There are two contradicting aspects of individualism: the promise that you can achieve anything and the blaming of the individual for not achieving it."
| Xavier Kruth
‘Puin van dromen’ (Ruins of dreams), the debut of Winterstille, was released at the end of October 2020, The record offers a mixture of folk, chan...

The Ultimate Dreamers

"Dimitri from Wool-E Discs had learned that I was part of a band in the 80s and asked me to listen."
| Xavier Kruth
The 80s haven't released all their secrets yet. Take The Ultimate Dreamers. They played on the stages of Lessines and surroundings from 1986 to 199...

The Ultimate Dreamers

"Dimitri de Wool-E Discs avait appris que j’avais fait partie d’un groupe dans les années 80 et m’avait demandé à écouter"
| Xavier Kruth
Les années 80 n'ont pas encore dévoilés tous leurs secrets. Prenez The Ultimate Dreamers par exemple. Ils ont joué sur les scènes de Lessines et ...


"I broke away from the pressure you have as an artist to appeal to a certain type of audience, to create dance floor hits."
| Xavier Kruth
Minimal wave, or synth wave if you prefer, is doing well. Think of Zanias, Selofan, Kaelan Mikla, Lebanon Hanover, NNHMN... And let's not forget th...


"Je me suis détachée de la pression que l’on a en tant qu’artiste de plaire à un certain type de public, de créer des hits dancefloor."
| Xavier Kruth
Le minimal wave, ou le minimal synth si vous préférez, fait fureur. Pensez à Zanias, Selofan, Kaelan Mikla, Lebanon Hanover, NNHMN... Et n'oublions...

Laibach: We Forge The Future

| Xavier Kruth
Can art change the world? If you know the history of Laibach, then you also know that the answer to that question is 'yes'. Laibach undoubtedly had...

The Imaginary Suitcase

"For most of my life, I have behaved the way I thought they wanted me to behave. And this is a scam."
| Xavier Kruth
The Imaginary Suitcase - Laurent Leemans' solo project - has released another new epic: "The gods gave you victory today only to make your final de...

John 3:16

"I regularly come across animal remains at various stages of decomposition. That started to affect me, and that's where the concept of the record was born."
| Xavier Kruth
Music from the depths of hell, slowly rising in a lava flow with the intoxicating scent of steaming sulfur exuding from the cracks, gradually e...

John 3:16

"Assez fréquemment, je tombe à la rencontre de cadavres d’animaux à différents stades de putréfaction. Cela a commencé à m’affecter, et c’est là qu’est né le concept de l’album."
| Xavier Kruth
"De la musique venue des profondeurs de l'enfer, montant lentement dans une coulée de lave avec l'odeur enivrante du soufre fumant qui s'échappe de....

The Breath Of Life

"No, I never considered quitting making music. Nor to taste good special beers."
| Xavier Kruth
This year, The Breath Of Life is blowing out 35 candles. And they are releasing a new CD. 'Sparks Around Us' already contains 11 gems, and we can s...

The Breath Of Life

"Non, je n’ai jamais pensé à arrêter de faire de la musique. Ni de boire de bonnes bières spéciales."
| Xavier Kruth
Cette année, The Breath Of Life souffle 35 bougies. Et ils sortent un nouveau CD. ‘Sparks Around Us’ contient 11 perles, et on peut dire que ce d...

Placebo Effect: Shattered Souls (CD review)

| Marjolein Laenen
Genre: dark electro Label: none (self-released) Rating: 9/10 26 years. That is how long we had to wait for new work from Placebo Effect, the leg...

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