
Latest English


"Wanting to have everything under control is problematic, as is wanting to have nothing under control."
| Xavier Kruth
With 'Bittersweet', Psy'Aviah presents not only their tenth album, but also the third part of their trilogy about the alienation of the individual ...

Dark Entries Night: OK Lion replaces 32 Ohm + concert of Korinthians and DJ-set by DJ Orphea

| Xavier Kruth
Tomorrow evening, on Saturday 5 November, the last Dark Entries Night for the time being will take place. We invite you to come en masse to the Kin...

Coming soon: a new Dark Entries website

| Xavier Kruth
Dear Dark Entries readers, we have good and bad news. The bad news: as you know, our site has been down for two weeks. This will last a bit longer...

Hägar The Womb

"Now we know the audience will help us out when we forget the lyrics."
| Malcolm Nix
On Saturday 20 May we will meet again in the Leuven Depot for Breaking Barriers, the annual punk festival. Hägar The Womb will perform there, toget.....

Pussy Riot

"Unfortunately, everyone only understood what Putin is like when he started a war in Ukraine."
| Malcolm Nix
Pussy Riot is making the headlines again. Maria Alyochina - one of the members of Pussy Riot who was sentenced to two years in a labor camp in 2012...


"We all work with homeless people on a daily basis and we try to be actively involved in their struggle."
| Malcolm Nix
Punk is not dead. The Breaking Barriers festival in Leuven - founded in 2016 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of punk - continues to keep its fing...


"There were times when I could hardly believe that I would ever be able to finish the album."
| Xavier Kruth
Lacrimosa has delivered another beautiful album with ‘Leidenschaft’, in their well-known mix of gothic with symphonic orchestrated metal. We had t...


"I still don’t understand how participation in peaceful rallies can be repressed with prison sentences."
| Xavier Kruth
With the current war raging in Ukraine, we would almost forget what is happening in Belarus, the northern neighbor of Ukraine. Five musicians conne...

Goethes Erben

"Politics and society have generally used the arts and the cultural sector as whipping boys in the pandemic."
| Xavier Kruth
Oswald Henke is angry. Angry and disappointed. In the pandemic, the cultural sector was used as a scapegoat. Everything about culture had to be clo...

Goethes Erben

"Die Politik und die Gesellschaft hat Kunst allgemein als Pandemie-Prügelknabe benutzt"
| Xavier Kruth
Oswald Henke ist sauer, wütend und enttäuscht. In der Pandemie wurde der Kultursektor als Sündenbock hergenommen. Alles aus der Kultur musste gesch...

The Rebel Riot

"Protests in Myanmar are scarier because they shoot with real bullets here"
| Xavier Kruth
On February 1, 2021 - exactly one year ago - the army in Myanmar took the power. The 2020 election results, in which the National League for Democr...

25 years of Ahráyeph

"Everything I do, right or wrong, is being determined by my autism"
| Xavier Kruth
25 years, that's how long Ahráyeph has been around. Or rather: in 1996, the first demo of Crucifire, the predecessor of Ahráyeph, was released. In ....

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