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Whispers In The Shadow

"There are worse things in life than being called the Pink Floyd of gothic rock. I can certainly live with that."
| Xavier Kruth
Whispers In The Shadow has made another excellent album with ‘Ghosts’, one full of tormented guitars, dark synths, and distinctively harder than u...

Laibach: Alamut

"Mourons pour des idées, d'accord, mais de mort lente"
| Xavier Kruth
Alamut – Persian for ‘eagle's nest’ – is a fortified castle on a rock in northern Iran, of which only ruins remain today. The fortress is best...

NSK State In Time: Weapons Of Mass Instruction (Alexander Nym)

"If you’re marching towards annihilation, you should at least do it with a happy song."
| Xavier Kruth
“Become a citizen of the first global state in the universe!” With this sentence in the 1994 Laibach clip for ‘The Final Countdown’, they anno...

Der Klinke

"We have grown into a very strong band live, which means that the demand for performances also grows."
| Xavier Kruth
Der Klinke has released a new album: ‘Facing Fate’. We have been following the group for a long time, but especially since the masterpiece ‘The ...

Enzo Kreft

"The fate of humanity rests in the hands of villains who will not hesitate to drag everyone into their fall."
| Xavier Kruth
Enzo Kreft likes to keep a finger on the pulse of what's going on in society, and he's never shy about speaking his mind when he thinks something i...

Laibach: Love Is Still Alive

| Xavier Kruth
‘Iron Sky’, a Finnish comedy based on the story of Nazis who fled to the dark side of the moon and patiently await the moment to take back the ear...

Siouxsie, AB, 3/05/2023

"The glorious resurrection after ten years of silence."
| Xavier Kruth
It's Siouxsie's first concert in ten years, and I'm lucky enough to be there. Lucky is the right word, because when I sat down at my computer to ge...

Controversial Laibach performance in Kyiv cancelled

| Xavier Kruth
Laibach is causing controversy again, and that no less than 43 years after its creation. A few days ago, the Slovenian avant-garde band announced a...

Laibach: Sketches of the Red Districts

| Xavier Kruth
‘We thank Laibach for 40 years of existence and 10 years of good music.’ It's a meme that appeared in 2020 on the group's 40th anniversary. Many f...

Hellsinki Industrial Festival 2022

"Everyone was welcome and no discrimination was tolerated. That's how I want it!"
| Steven 'Stel' Redant
The COVID-19 pandemic waning, my partner and I decided to go to the Hellsinki Industrial Festival 2022, only three weeks before it would start. Th...

OK Lion

"I didn't convince Patrick Codenys to work with us, it was his idea!"
| Xavier Kruth
On our previous Dark Entries Night, you could discover OK Lion. This fresh Brussels electro duo released its debut '120 Ways To Get Away' at the be...

OK Lion

"Je n'ai pas convaincu Patrick Codenys de travailler avec nous, c’était son idée !"
| Xavier Kruth
Lors de notre précédente Dark Entries Night, vous avez pu faire connaissance avec OK Lion. Ce duo électro bruxellois tout frais a sorti son premier...

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