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Amphi 2024

"One of the most convivial festivals the scene has ever known"
| Annemarie Aerssens
Friday July 26 Picking the last remnants of the Gentse Feesten (a ten day event near from where I live) from between my teeth, I head towards the ...

Steve Ignorant Band

"How the fuck is any government going to make life better when everything is privatised?"
| Malcolm Nix
On September 21, the Breaking Barriers festival will take place at Het Depot in Leuven, the annual festival that wants to remind you that punk is n...


"They wrote that we wanted to influence people's minds with our bagpipes so that they would be willing to attack the police. This means, I think, that we are the only criminals with bagpipes ever."
| Xavier Kruth
Two years in prison. That was the sentence for Nadia and Vova Kalach, frontwoman and frontman of the fantasy folk band Irdorath. Their crime? They ...


"It’s certainly crazy that we can play together with the big names of punk."
| Malcolm Nix
Punk is not dead, as the Leuven festival Breaking Barriers wants to let us know every year. The festival invites British punk pioneers such as Stev...

UK Subs

"Punkrock is an endless struggle."
| Malcolm Nix
The umpteenth edition of Breaking Barriers will take place in Het Depot on September 21, 2024. Breaking Barriers was created in 2016 to celebrate f...


"We mix everything and make a cocktail of everything that was done best 40 years ago, humbly and for our pleasure."
| Xavier Kruth
On Saturday, June 15, we will again organize a Dark Entries Night in the Kinky Star. There will be a concert of Partikul, a Brussels group that has...


"On est plutôt un groupe assez hybride, on mélange tout et on fait un cocktail de tout ce qu'il c'est fait de mieux il y a 40 ans, humblement et pour notre plaisir."
| Xavier Kruth
Le samedi 15 juin, nous organiserons à nouveau une Dark Entries Night au Kinky Star. On invite entre autres Partikul, un groupe bruxellois qui a dé....

Tantrum Zentrum

"Wouldn’t it be great if the people on the front lines just stopped and refused to fight?"
| Xavier Kruth
On Saturday, June 15, we will again hold a Dark Entries Night in the Kinky Star in Ghent. In addition to the Brussels electrowave group Partikul, w...

Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2024

"A dark festival with a unique offer"
| Xavier Kruth
The Wave Gotik Treffen (WGT) in Leipzig, Germany is a real phenomenon. It is the largest gothic festival in the world and features a unique concept...

In memoriam Pavel Zajíček

| Xavier Kruth
We have only just learned that Pavel Zajíček, cult figure from the Czech Underground and singer of DG 307, passed away on March 5, 2024. The Czech ....

Laibach: Nova Akropola (Expanded 3 CD box)

| Xavier Kruth
It seems that Laibach is busy re-releasing all its classics from the eighties in special editions. That in itself is a good thing, although I do ad...

De Delvers

"With the lyrics, I try to name things that I see happening around me and to pay attention to what we sometimes prefer to turn our heads away from."
| Xavier Kruth
We just did it! The Delvers are coming to play on a Dark Entries Night! Not that there is anyone obstructing it, but corona has already sabotaged t...

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